Dental fillings are treatment options for
- Cavities or caries that have formed on the teeth
- Teeth that have chipped or broken
- Existing fillings with decay under them
- Large silver fillings that could fracture the tooth
Cavities are essentially tooth structure that has become compromised and diseased. Left untreated, the affected tooth structure will decay and progress to deteriorate the tooth over time. Not all cavities will hurt or bother you! Small cavities that are confined to the outer layer or enamel of the tooth generally will not hurt. As the cavitation progresses past the enamel and into the inner layers, you may experience slight pain and sensitivity randomly. The final stage is when the cavitation has eaten away a significant amount of tooth structure and has reached the inner most layer where the nerves are. This is when one can experience a constant painful ache or spurts or severe random pain. This can ultimately lead to a severe tooth infection or serious health problems.
Why choose us as your go-to restorative dentist!?
Here’s why Dental Restoration Pros should be your first choice
- Our staff will examine the tooth or teeth in trouble and obtain the necessary X-rays
- A team member will use an intraoral camera to show you a cavity if it can only be seen clinically.
- You'll get a treatment plan explained to you.
- We will also outline any feasible alternative treatments.
- We will fairly present the advantages and disadvantages of each choice to you.
- This gives you the power to take charge of your dental health and choose the most appropriate plan of action for your particular situation.